Sunday, 29 June 2014

FAB Finds

Hello Lovelies! 
I'm backkk and better than ever! After a much needed break from everything I'm here, and ready for the  Fourth! But for me I get to celebrate independence day twice, having all canadian relatives has it's perks! Let's hope I'll be sporting these fab finds soon! I mean that clutch is to die for! I am fixing an outfit with all three items, and let me tell you it is can-ute! 


Monday, 23 June 2014

Summer Spill

Hey there sweets! How has life been treating you? Hopefully your answer was F A B(that's my power word right now so don't fret if it comes up 1 or 10 more times) My summer has been delightful to say the least, if only I was in my home town with all of my smitten people! Here's a breakdown of what's been goin' on in Rachel's world! 
  • What a busy bee I am. Everyday gets a bit busier than the last and it's only June! I've been so busy I completely forgot my sweet pal Em's 20th Birthday, how embarrassing! Sorry again, Em! To make being busy even better, I'm at my summer home which is on an island. Don't get me wrong I love waking up to the peaceful water everyday, but I miss all of my people! This brings me to the next order of business. 
  •  I miss everyone back home so much! I've been catching up with my "island"friends as I like to call them and that's been great! Hopefully I'll be able to see some of the people who make me double over in laughter soon, I can't take being away from them for this long! Summer has only begun and it has brought a new found friendship. Let me tell you this person makes my heart fill with joy, they also send the absolute best snaps around, and yes, I did screenshot them! 
  • When I'm not in a business meeting or doing a summer project, you can find me catching up on some delightful reads out in the fresh air! Fitz has captured my heart again in The Beautiful and Damed. If you are looking for a new read I would highly recommend it, but I may be biased, Fitz is my favorite author!  I never fail to neglect my favorite blogs as well! If you don't already know about these three sweet girls do check them out, they are three truly FAB bloggers! Em at Pinch Of Em, Steph at Sprinkle of Steph, and Sammy at Preptista
  • I luckily have a few days coming up where I have nothing to do, I will be using that time to get some good posts lined up so I am never without one! If you have any that you want to see comment down below or shoot me an email and I'll get back to you ASAP! 


Thursday, 19 June 2014

True Navy

{Navy Navy Navy}  
Navy Blue makes my heart skip a beat I'm telling you friends, there's something about it, something special. It's so rich and elegant and fun and classic and well perfect. I can *almost* guarantee that you'll see this girl in navy every day, literally. Almost everything I own has navy in it, no lie! Don't even get me started on navy and stripes! What could be better, nothing! Navy is my color, I'm telling you. When I sport some true navy I feel on top of the world! The Deborah Lippmann nail polish is fab to say the least, and the Topshop Dress is adorable! I am loving this J. Crew tee, so simple and chic!  Oh and I had to add the Oscar De La Renta coral earrings I mean they are to die for! 


Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Fab Finds 6/17/14

Thought I would share a few of my favorite items this week! Hopefully you'll be seeing some of them soon!


P.S. I have a Pinterest board dedicated to {fab finds}

Monday, 16 June 2014

Story People

{First things first, I want to say sorry for being so distant lately, I had finals and then summer took off and I have been so so busy! I promise that more content is coming soon! If you have any suggestions for me please let me know, I would love to hear from you!}

A while back my dear friend, Steph from A Sprinkle of Steph, made a blog post on Story People. Let me just tell you that signing up for your story of the day will change your life. It's the best feeling to go into your virtual mailbox and see an email that is not spam. Let me break it down for you. Every day bright and early, an email from StoryPeople comes. The second you open it you'll be grinning, because the designs and little "stories" are too stinkin' cute! I thought that I would share a few of my favorites with you! Hope they make you cheeky! 


you should see a box on the left side! Type your email in and voila, a story will be on it's way! 

Monday, 2 June 2014

Lovin' Life

This week has been a great one and I can't wait to share it with you before its even over!

  • To start the week I had Monday off, thank you Memorial Day. I spent mine laying on the deck of my cottage, it's a tough life, right? It was sad to get in the car and drive the whopping hour home, but I was relieved to be back home! 
  • Tuesday I was up bright and early at 5 am, gotta start the week off right. It was a bit of a shock to be going to school at 8 am, still recovering from the weekend, eek. Tuesday was my besie Maddie's birthday also! She turned the big 1 6 ! I cannot believe that she is already driving, they grow us so fast! Note to self: do not try and hold a vase of flowers in one hand and drive a stick shift with the other. 
  • Wednesday, the 28th. Wednesday was a delight, it was torrentially raining so I got to use my vintage Burberry umbrella, and get my feet soaking wet, you can hear the excitement in my voice!!
  •  Thursday, pops brought home a new toy aka car for me to drive around. If you didn't know my parents are car dealers so we get new cars in often. I am delighted to say that my new "whip" as they are called is named Blythe  as opposed to Bernadette. My last car was a stick shift named Bernadette. The new one is an automatic named Blythe. It's quite funny, Bernadette means "brave as a bear" and let me tell you she was. I had felt powerful driving a stick shift, but its time to trade her in for Blythe which means happy!