Monday, 31 March 2014

Swiss Dot Swoon

Let me tell you, my heart skipped a beat when I saw this dress. Polka Dots are actually the best thing ever, well that and diamonds, they are a girls best friend for a reason. In the spirit of diamonds, and polka dots, this dress takes the cake. You may think I'm a little crazy for looking at a wedding dress, but I found it on Pinterest so that makes it ok, right? Well I think so, and before you click away, take a peek at the beauty of this dress. I'll bet it will make your heart pitter patter! 

OOH is this dress gorgeous, hopefully I can find a swiss dot dress for my big day! 


Sunday, 30 March 2014

Show Us Where You Work

Hello Lovelies! Today I am showing you where I work! My workplace is also my happy place i.e. my happy workplace. It is a place where I can just sit and well work. Having a workplace is something that I think everyone needs. I am so excited to given this opportunity to participate in this post!

1. Where is your favorite workplace located? 
My workplace is in my bedroom, it's in the 
one corner somewhat isolated from the
 rest of the room.
2. Do you prefer a sleek desk or are you more of an organized chaos?
I would say that I fall somewhere in between. 
I like the sleek look, but I need to have 
my amount of chaos and clutter to 
make it my own.
3. What is your favorite type of writing utensil? 
My favorite writing utensil is my navy blue ink 
pen from Staples. I found the pen in my house
one day and fell in love! It is my 
absolute favorite pen ever! 

4. Show us your calendar or agenda.
I have the Lilly Pulitzer large agenda in the 
print "Tuscan Sun" I adore it, even though
it gives me anxiety from seeing 
how much I have yet to do! 
5. What are you looking forward most to this spring? 
I am most looking forward to the weather getting 
warmer, as well as my upcoming spring
 break! I can't wait to see my friends 
who live in the FL

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Pretty Pooches

There is something about a dog in a trench coat that gets to me. C. Wonder makes the absolute cutest dog accessories ever. Who can turn down a cute dog in a polo! I actually don't have a dog, hopefully one day I will have a cute little french bulldog! They're too stinkin' cute! Well I'm done spilling about cute dogs, for today at least. 


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Jacks on Jacks on Jacks on Jacks on Jacks

It is no lie that I love Jack Rogers! They are the perfect summer sandal, dressy and casual, cute and sassy, comfy and cute! They are the best, I mean they go with everything. You can take them to the beach, you can take them on vacation, you can take them anywhere really. 
What's you're go to summer sandal? 


Monday, 24 March 2014

Shape Up

The time has come. Yesterday I had a breakthrough while in Nordstrom, I saw a pair of bright pink and orange Nike shorts. They called my name, and the price was even better, only $19 holler! So I got them because why not, right? I want to exercise but every time I quit after 1 day, 2 days, a week. This time I refuse to quit! Everyone always says "oh I'll work out next week." Even I say this, it's about time that I actually get to doing this. I made a schedule, and planned out what i'm going to do. All that I have yet to do is snag some cute clothes! 

Who doesn't love colorful exercise clothes?


Lust List

It's no lie that I have a bit of a shopping problem. Why not feed the addiction by sharing my favorite things! If anyone wants to send me one or all of these pretty things, feel free to go ahead and so do!


Saturday, 22 March 2014

Hustle, Hustle, Hustle

After what felt like craziest week ever, I'm back! Let's get talkin' 
  • I turned 16, let me tell you Saturday, March 15th was a party from the time I got up at 6 a.m. The day began with a lovely trip to the Secretary of State, I thought coming before they opened was a good idea, 200 other people did too. After an hour of waiting, my number was called, they snapped a pic, and I was free to drive on my own! 
  • After the hours of prepping, the party had begun! I had a lovely time with my 6 closest friends! The theme was hollywood glamour, the attire was black and white, the desserts were delicious. 
  • When I got home I felt the need to write all 27 thank you notes, that was not such a great idea at 1 a.m. 
  • Now to Sunday the 16th. I made a quick trip to my local mall, and popped into J. Crew. I don't think I have ever been in there for such a short time. I saw the shirt I wanted, gabbed my size, and snatched it! Hello French printed popover!
  • The work or school in my case week started with a bang! Not a literally bang, that would be bad. I was flooded with papers, and projects, and exams. I'm so glad it's over, can you say PTL 
  • My week took a turn for the better when an article about me was published in the school newspaper! This girl can say she's been written about! 
  • My Thursday mornin' began with a meeting bright and early at 7 a.m. I don't know about you but I love talking business especially when it means BIG things 
  • The work week is over, hooray! Saturday is a day to party, or watch Netflix, either works just as well. 


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Hello Sunshine

Hello Darlin' hope your life is swell! Lately I have been "snap happy" as they like to call it. Pinning, posting, and tweeting like it's my job! It's no surprise that I came across a few things that make my heart burst with joy, I do hope they give you the same effect!
Ya know what they say "When life hands you lemons..." Take the bad(sour)and make it something sweet! If this isn't something you say everyday, you need to take a step back and ask yourself why you aren't drinking more lemonade or gin and tonic if you fancy! Mind you this chica isn't 21, and won't be doing any drinking until she is good and legal! 
Three words: modern art deco. This may seem a little odd, and non existent, but trust me sistah this is the real deal. The period of art deco was fun and free! That time is back, no more heavy colors and patterns, this is all about the chaotic, but the organized chaos. Give this girl some pretty art and she will love you forever! 
On a bit of a side note, art shopping(or looking) is one of the best ways to brighten up a rainy or sunny day! Pick a piece that makes you grin from ear to ear, pop it in your Etsy shopping cart, and wait for your pretty print to come! Before you know it you'll be grinning from ear to ear in your own home! 
Whilst pinning my heart out I came across some pretty post as I would like to say, and let me tell you, I was at a moment of weakness. My wallet is already crying because it knows that every penny(well not every, this girl has to feed her car, and J. Crew addiction) will be going to snail mail! Shoot me an email if you want to be pen pals! 
I donut know what you are talking about, I don't have a stationary obsession. Hit up Etsy and Anthro to get some pretty post of your own. A girl's gotta have some cute cards, and washi tape at hand, I mean you really never know when you may forget a birthday, or need to give a big thanks! 

What makes you cheeky?


Monday, 10 March 2014

Manic Monday

The first day of the week always seems to be the most chaotic. I don't know why, but I am always so busy. Maybe it's the list of things I have to do closing in on me. This week is already crazy! My birthday is on Saturday, I have 2 exams and 2 essays due! AAH! I don't want to talk about the amount of things I have left to do! We will leave it at that! 

Have A Cheeky Day! 


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Rainy Days

sorry this was random! trying to get through more posts! 