Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Hello Sunshine

Hello Darlin' hope your life is swell! Lately I have been "snap happy" as they like to call it. Pinning, posting, and tweeting like it's my job! It's no surprise that I came across a few things that make my heart burst with joy, I do hope they give you the same effect!
Ya know what they say "When life hands you lemons..." Take the bad(sour)and make it something sweet! If this isn't something you say everyday, you need to take a step back and ask yourself why you aren't drinking more lemonade or gin and tonic if you fancy! Mind you this chica isn't 21, and won't be doing any drinking until she is good and legal! 
Three words: modern art deco. This may seem a little odd, and non existent, but trust me sistah this is the real deal. The period of art deco was fun and free! That time is back, no more heavy colors and patterns, this is all about the chaotic, but the organized chaos. Give this girl some pretty art and she will love you forever! 
On a bit of a side note, art shopping(or looking) is one of the best ways to brighten up a rainy or sunny day! Pick a piece that makes you grin from ear to ear, pop it in your Etsy shopping cart, and wait for your pretty print to come! Before you know it you'll be grinning from ear to ear in your own home! 
Whilst pinning my heart out I came across some pretty post as I would like to say, and let me tell you, I was at a moment of weakness. My wallet is already crying because it knows that every penny(well not every, this girl has to feed her car, and J. Crew addiction) will be going to snail mail! Shoot me an email if you want to be pen pals! 
I donut know what you are talking about, I don't have a stationary obsession. Hit up Etsy and Anthro to get some pretty post of your own. A girl's gotta have some cute cards, and washi tape at hand, I mean you really never know when you may forget a birthday, or need to give a big thanks! 

What makes you cheeky?


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